Ireland and Israel at odds….again

If you’ve never been to West Belfast, you haven’t seen how the widening chasm between Israel and Palestine plays out on Falls Road. There, where Catholics and Protestants have been living side by side, on edge seemingly forever, flags on the Republican side of the peace wall are those of Palestine and the Irish Tri Color. On the Loyalist side, its Israel’s flag flying alongside the Union Jack..

The wall that divides mostly Catholic neighborhoods from mostly Protestant neighborhoods in West Belfast.

Hibernians Bryan Mc Gowan and Manus O’Donnell sent me what they’ve been reading and listening to.

Tense relations between Israel and Ireland have a history worth reading about. McGowan found this article from the respected journal Foreign Policy in his internet archives. “Bill – this article was written 13 years ago and, without regard for the current crisis, tries to describe the historically pro-Palestinian disposition in Ireland.”

O’Donnell forwarded this interview with Fintan O’Toole of the IrishTimes.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar found himself defending the Irish government’s call for a cease fire and denying that stance would endanger the Irish hostages in Gaza.

Leaders of Sinn Fein demanded that Israel’s ambassador to Ireland be expelled.


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