Nogher McGinley Nogher McGinley

Ulysses Unbanned: How one judge came through

Ninety years ago this month, American readers were getting their first look at a modern masterpiece written by the Irish author James Joyce; only made possible due to a fascinating court battle.

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Portland Hibernian Society Portland Hibernian Society

Belated Bloomsday

Time Magazine - James Joyce - January 29, 1934. This year’s Portland Hibernian Society Bloomsday observance will take place Thursday, June 20 at Kells Restaurant. Read on for a few details.

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Bill Gallagher Bill Gallagher

Who WAS Stephen J. McCormick? A timeline.

In April 1859, the men who voted for a new Mayor of Portland ignored the “virulent nativism” that had taken hold in some eastern cities during the turbulent 1850s. Their response to those who treated the Irish Catholic immigrant as second class citizen was to elect one as Mayor. Stephen J. McCormick was 29 when he won that election.

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Nogher McGinley Nogher McGinley

Modern Irish History

“Significant symbolic moment.” “Once unthinkable.” “A truly seismic breakthrough.” In Belfast, Michelle O’Neill of Sinn Fein has become the first non-Protestant to lead Northern Ireland.

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Bill Gallagher Bill Gallagher

Oregon Potato Famine Memorial 15th Anniversary

In the summer of 2023, the newly appointed Consul General of Ireland on the West Coast, Micheal Smith, came to Portland to visit the Oregon Potato Famine Memorial. Here’s the presentation given to familiarize Smith with its back story and the accomplishment this Memorial represents for local members of the Irish Diaspora. 

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